Peninsula Perfect Companion
The Peninsula Hotels of Greater China is pleased to introduce "Peninsula Perfect Companion” – a comprehensive, intelligent digital tool that ensures we provide the most flexible, personalised, and memorable experiences for our guests.
臻 is pronounced "zhen," the same as "真", meaning integrity and grace. “Peninsula Perfect Companion”, based on The Peninsula Hotels’ WeChat mini-program, allows us to offer our guests the supremely attentive service and authentic local character that make their visits unforgettable.
“Peninsula Perfect Companion” also enables us to extend special, customised amenities and privileges to our Perfect Friends, assuring they enjoy every aspect of their experience at The Peninsula Hotels.
- Exclusive upgrades and free breakfast*
- Exclusive Perfect Experience and Privileges
- Special Events for Peninsula Perfect Friends
- Perfect Companion Concierge Ambassador Service
*Upgrades contingent on occupancy
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For mobile users, please save the code below and open it with WeChat for registration