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Seeing Green Green City Market

by Mike Wehrle - Executive Chef

The market of choice for eco-conscious Executive Chef Mike Wehrie is the Green City Market. The mission of Green City Market is to provide a marketplace for purchasing sustainably grown food and to educate, promote and connect farmers and local producers directly to chefs, restaurateurs and the greater Chicago community. Farmers at Green City Market play their part in reducing the environmental and health impacts of pesticides by eliminating them or selecting effective materials with fewer known environmental health hazards. They also treat animals humanely and strive to preserve the soil, water and wildlife habitat for future generations.

The Green City Market's outdoor market is located at the south end of Lincoln Park between Clark and Stockton Drive (approximately 1790 N. Clark). The Chicago Green City Market's indoor market is located at the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum (2430 N. Cannon Drive in Lincoln Park).

Photography Credit: Christina Glass Gelder (top)